Yoga is formed by the combination of two planets by the planetary positions. If sitting in good houses then good results will be given. If they are sitting in a weaker house, By Yoga, the events in the life of a person can be revealed only through yoga. If a native's mind and body are powerful, then the person will advance towards the religious and high social levels in future The nature of any planets is of three types of planets like gentle, cruel and neutral.
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Sunday, November 13, 2016
When the Jupiter, Venus and Mercury are placed in Lagna, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th and 10th houses. Jupiter is placed in own house and exalted sign cause of saraswati yoga.
In this horoscope, The Jupiter is placed in lagna and Venus is placed in 4th house and Mercury is placed in 5th house are caused formed Saraswati yoga.
In other horoscope, Jupiter is lord of lagna and placed in 5th house in exaltation position and Mercury and Venus in placed in 2nd house cause of Saraswati yoga.
The native is intellectual giant, philosopher and good writer ,poet, Politician & famous person.
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If the sign occupied by lagna lord must be in chara sign or movable sigh than the cause of sada sanchara yoga.
In this horoscope, the person is born in movable sign or chara sign formed sada sanchara yoga . the person is always travelling due his profession. He is diplomats person.
If the sign occupied by lagna lord must be in chara sign or movable sigh than the cause of sada sanchara yoga.
In this horoscope, the person is born in movable sign or chara sign formed sada sanchara yoga . the person is always travelling due his profession. He is diplomats person.
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If the Moon and Jupiter are conjunct in the same house and formed Chandra
Guru yoga..
In this horoscope, the native is born Leo lagna and 12th lord moon and 5th lord Jupiter is placed together in 10th house.
The Native is over-powering, famous, intelligent, profoundly versed, with many friends, engaged in virtuous doing good to others, wealthy, consistent in love, soft-spoken, elder of his family, open minded. and earn money through music and dance & other profession.
If the Moon and Jupiter are conjunct in the same house and formed Chandra
Guru yoga..
In this horoscope, the native is born Leo lagna and 12th lord moon and 5th lord Jupiter is placed together in 10th house.
The Native is over-powering, famous, intelligent, profoundly versed, with many friends, engaged in virtuous doing good to others, wealthy, consistent in love, soft-spoken, elder of his family, open minded. and earn money through music and dance & other profession.
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Friday, November 11, 2016
In this SUN is basically important in the yoga. Sun is posited in 10th house and 10th lord placed in 3rd house in conjunction with Saturn formed Ravi yoga.
The native is famous and wealthy.
In this SUN is basically important in the yoga. Sun is posited in 10th house and 10th lord placed in 3rd house in conjunction with Saturn formed Ravi yoga.
The native is famous and wealthy.
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Sunday, November 6, 2016
When the Venus, Jupiter are placed in Kendra and Saturn is posited in Kendra in exalted position and they are occupying Chara rashi ( move able sign ) formed Amsaratara yoga. Lagna is also placed in Kendra or in Chara rashi.
The native is very wealthy and a ruler as king or control an authority of philosophy.
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Saturday, November 5, 2016
The planets other than the Moon placed 2nd from the Sun are formed by Velshi yoga.
The planets other than the Moon placed in 12th from the Sun are formed by Velshi yoga.
The native always speaks the truth, soft-hearted and good memory as well as good health and wealth.
In this horoscope, the native is born in Aquarius and its lord Saturn in the 12th house. Mars occupies the 2nd house from Sun.
Jupiter occupies the 2nd house from the Sun. and formed Vashi yoga.
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Thursday, October 27, 2016
When the sixth lord is in the 8th house or 12th house. The natives get happiness, healthy and famous and gain financial during dasa.
When the 12th lord is in the 8th house or 6th house. The native is get, learning and prosperity and formed vipreet Raja yoga.
In this horoscope, the 12th lord Venus is placed in the 8th house formed by Vimal yoga and the 6th lord mars posited in the 8th house is formed by Harsha yoga.
The native is very famous, and wealthy. But the person is sickly from prolonged disease. He is learning, highly educated, and intelligent. The native has gains speak affably and found good qualities, able to achieve success. If the benefice planets, he will be ready to collect money. The Dasha was Lagna lord mercury with Venus formed Raja Yoga and during the Dasha mercury, Ketu and mars make the high status and Vipreet Raja Yoga gave this good effect.
The lord of the 12th house posited in the 6th house formed Vimal yoga. The person will be clever in saving money, have good behavior and be happy and gain a good reputation. If these lords are placed in each other houses or exchange houses are formed Vipreet Raja YOGA.
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Wednesday, October 26, 2016
In this horoscope, the 11th lord moon is placed in 6th house according this formed Daridra yoga. The person is not good position which rendering the native activities has not good and earning money very much minimum.
When the 11th lord placed in 6th , 8th or 12th house will be rise to Daridra yoga.
The native is extreme penury and suffer from auditory troubles and many problems. The
person will be commit sinful and criminal work.
1. If Venus is placed in 2nd house from the Saturn, Jupiter in 2nd house from Venus, Mercury in 2nd house from Jupiter. Mars in 2nd house from mercury.
2. Moon in 2nd house from the Mars, Sun in the 2nd from Moon.
1. If Venus is placed in 2nd house from the Saturn, Jupiter in 2nd house from Venus, Mercury in 2nd house from Jupiter. Mars in 2nd house from mercury.
2. Moon in 2nd house from the Mars, Sun in the 2nd from Moon.
In this horoscope, the 11th lord moon is placed in 6th house according this formed Daridra yoga. The person is not good position which rendering the native activities has not good and earning money very much minimum.
For any query, feel free to chat on whatsapp number +91-9417554322 or mail at
Monday, October 24, 2016
When the planet is debilitation, which is considered adverse in effect.
Bhanga means cancellation. In case a planet is debilitation, the effect of debilitation will be reduced, due to position of others planets or otheir aspect on debilitated planet.
When the debilitation of a planet is cancelled, that planett gives extremely auspicious results. i.e called name Neecha Bhanga Raja yoga..
The exaltation lord of the debilitated planet is in a kendra from laggna formed Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga.
The exaltation lord of the debilitated planet is in a kendra from Moon formed Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga.
The yoga indication cancellation of the state of debilitation of a planets given benefice result.
3rd Mars is placed in Cancer sign also in debilitated formed Neecha Bhanga Raja yoga. The native is healthy and wealthy lasting fame and wise.
3rd Lord Sun is placed in debilitation sign and person is healthy and wealthy and wisdom.
When the planet is debilitation, which is considered adverse in effect.
Bhanga means cancellation. In case a planet is debilitation, the effect of debilitation will be reduced, due to position of others planets or otheir aspect on debilitated planet.
When the debilitation of a planet is cancelled, that planett gives extremely auspicious results. i.e called name Neecha Bhanga Raja yoga..
The exaltation lord of the debilitated planet is in a kendra from laggna formed Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga.
The exaltation lord of the debilitated planet is in a kendra from Moon formed Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga.
The yoga indication cancellation of the state of debilitation of a planets given benefice result.
3rd Mars is placed in Cancer sign also in debilitated formed Neecha Bhanga Raja yoga. The native is healthy and wealthy lasting fame and wise.
3rd Lord Sun is placed in debilitation sign and person is healthy and wealthy and wisdom.
Ih this horoscope, Mars in debilitation sign Cancer Rashi and placed lagna lord in Kendra fro med Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga.. The native is very rich and famous.
Moon is placed in debilitation sign also given the result of neecha bhanga Raja yoga.
On November 20, 2020 Jupiter is transit in Capricorn zodiac with Saturn formed Neecha Bhanga Raja yoga.
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If the lagnesh is strong with the 11th lord mercury is in its own sign which should be the 5th from Lagna and the moon and mars should be placed in the 11th house formed Dhana yoga.
In this horoscope, the native is born in the Aries sign, and the moon is placed.
Lagna lord Jupiter is placed in his own sign and exalted position in conjunction with 5th lord mars formed of Dhana yoga. Jupiter is lagnesh then the native is wealthy, long-lived, good status.
Mercury is their own house in his own house exalted position. conjunction with 11th lord Venus formed Dhana yoga.
Sunday, October 23, 2016
Definition :- If the lord of the Ascendant is strong and lord of ninth house is in exaltation position or there is a situated in center or triangle in his zodiac sign, then lakshmi yoga is formed.
Effects :- The person will be rich, good scholar and famous, attractive face, good ruler and will enjoy all the pleasures and comforts of life.
If the lagna lord and 9th lord are powerful and placed in own sign or placed in exaltation position or placed in kendra and thrikona that form the Lakshmi yoga.
If the lagna lord and 9th lord are powerful and placed in own sign or placed in exaltation position or placed in kendra and thrikona that form the Lakshmi yoga .
In this horoscope, the native is born Leo lagna and lagnesh Sun is placed in 9th house and 9th lord mars is also placed in this house & formed the Lakshmi yoga. The native is good in looks, virtuous, very wealthy, owns vast lands, learned, and illustrious king, widely renowned, blessed with numerous spouses, and children. Mars is 9th lord placed in own house in exalted position. Effects :- The person will be rich, good scholar and famous, attractive face, good ruler and will enjoy all the pleasures and comforts of life.
If the lagna lord and 9th lord are powerful and placed in own sign or placed in exaltation position or placed in kendra and thrikona that form the Lakshmi yoga.
If the lagna lord and 9th lord are powerful and placed in own sign or placed in exaltation position or placed in kendra and thrikona that form the Lakshmi yoga .
In this horoscope, the native is born in Aries Lagna and lagna lord mars is placed in 4th house kendra.
9th lord Jupiter is posited in own house and Jupiter is in exalted position.
Lagan lord and 9th lord formed Lakshmi yoga.
The native is very wealthy, noble learned and famous and good reputation, handsome appearance. The native has enjoyment and all comforts in his life.
Friday, October 21, 2016
If the mars is conjoins the Moon formed this yoga. It is powerful yoga regarding ears the money.
In this horoscope, the native is born in Leo rashi and Lagnest placed in 10th house in conjunction with moon, Sun, Mercury and formed chander Mangal yoga. The native deals with drink. earthen jars and crude instruments and women. He has good earning and accumulation of wealth & gain name and fame.
In this horoscope, the native is born in Leo rashi and Lagnest placed in 10th house in conjunction with moon, Sun, Mercury and formed chander Mangal yoga. The native deals with drink. earthen jars and crude instruments and women. He has good earning and accumulation of wealth & gain name and fame.
Thursday, October 20, 2016
Kemdruma Bhanga
If the moon is posited in a kendra from lagna or if any planet is placed with moon, the cancellation of same yoga.
If the strong, moon is placed in good position in 2,4, 6,8, 11 and 12 houses. Mercury, Jupiter and Venus with the moon. Benefics planets are aspected the moon.
If the Moon and Venus are placed in kandra or aspected by the Jupiter, then the kemdruma yoga cancelled.
If the strong moon is placed in 10th house and aspected by the Jupiter.
If the moon placed between two benefics and aspected by Jupiter or benefic planets.
In this horoscope, the Moon placed in the 10th house with benefic Jupiter, resulting the kemadruma yoga may be cancelled.
Three planets are placed in kendra from lagna.
Moon is placed in 10th house in exalted position. This yoga cancelled the evil of kemdruma yoga.
The native is healthy, wealthy, wisdom and mental peace.
If the Moon and Venus are placed in kandra or aspected by the Jupiter, then the kemdruma yoga cancelled.
If the strong moon is placed in 10th house and aspected by the Jupiter.
If the moon placed between two benefics and aspected by Jupiter or benefic planets.
In this horoscope, the Moon placed in the 10th house with benefic Jupiter, resulting the kemadruma yoga may be cancelled.
Three planets are placed in kendra from lagna.
Moon is placed in 10th house in exalted position. This yoga cancelled the evil of kemdruma yoga.
The native is healthy, wealthy, wisdom and mental peace.
Sunday, September 25, 2016
Kemdruma yoga :- When there are no planets on 2nd and 12th house from the Moon or the Lagna formed the Kemdruma yoga. It is define the bad yoga but the benefice planets aspect ed the bhava and not counted that bad yoga.``
In this horoscope, the native was born this yoga. He is hard working and devoted person to his work. He has struggle his difficulties and no progress. The native start his business but no success in achieved.
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Durdhara yoga :- When any planets other than Sun, occupy the 2nd and 12th house from Moon. The formed Durdhara yoga. other means Anapha yoga and Sunapha yoga are present.
In this horoscope, the native is born durdhara yoga. The person earns fame through her sweet spoken and good speech, learning, volor and virtue immense wealth, Vehicles lands, all comforts and freedom from enemies.
She has a mediocre height with strong lady. She has beautiful lady.
If Saturn and mars cause Durdhara yoga, the native will be skilled in enjoyment of all thing and the native has hot tempered and collect so many enemies.
In this horoscope, the native is born durdhara yoga. The person earns fame through her sweet spoken and good speech, learning, volor and virtue immense wealth, Vehicles lands, all comforts and freedom from enemies.
She has a mediocre height with strong lady. She has beautiful lady.
If Saturn and mars cause Durdhara yoga, the native will be skilled in enjoyment of all thing and the native has hot tempered and collect so many enemies.
Sunday, September 11, 2016
ANAPHA YOGA :- When the all planets other than Sun are posited in 12th from the Moon, the formed anapha yoga.
In this horoscope, the native is born in Leo sign and its lord is Sun is posited in his own sign. A planet other than Sun, occupies the 12th house from the moon, formed Anapha yoga.
The native born is this yoga, he is equivalent to a king, healthy, at table, renowned an orator capable virtuous given to varied mat5erial comforts pleasant in looks and happy.
Anapha( Mangal) yoga :- Mars occupies the 12th house from Moon, formed anapha mangal yoga.
Anapha Budha yoga :- Mercury is occupies the 12th house from Moon, the native a peet honored by ruler dancing, writing and music.
Anapha ( Shukr) yoga :- Venus occupies the 12th house from the Moon, formed Anapha shukr yoga. he is a charmer of the opposite sex, sweet tongued, wealthy, cattle and material possession.
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Saturday, September 10, 2016
Sunapha yoga :- If all planets other than Sun are posited in 2nd from the moon, i.e caused by Sanapha yoga or formed this yoga.
In this the native was born in Sunapha Yoga, he was liberal-hearted and honest. He was born into a loyal family and got a good position in his life. and his wife is beautiful and wealthy. Moon is play a very big part in his life.
Venus was an exalted position from the 2nd from the moon and formed Sunapha yoga.
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Mahabhagya yoga:- In case of birth of man and woman.
If the birth of a male child is during the daytime the Sun, the moon, and Lagna should be in odd signs means 3 Rashi, 5, 7,9, and 11 Rashi ( Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius ) this formed Mahabhagya yoga.
In this horoscope, he had born in mahabhagya yoga, Sun in the 9th house. He has good character, is liberal and famous, and rules over India, he had lived a long time. Sun and Moon Aquarius and Leo sign formed Mahabhagya yoga.
In case of birth of a female:- If the birth of a female child is during the night, the Lagna, the moon, and the Sun are in even signs i.e 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 Rashi give rise to form Mahabhagya yoga.
If the birth of a male child is during the daytime the Sun, the moon, and Lagna should be in odd signs means 3 Rashi, 5, 7,9, and 11 Rashi ( Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius ) this formed Mahabhagya yoga.
In this horoscope, he had born in mahabhagya yoga, Sun in the 9th house. He has good character, is liberal and famous, and rules over India, he had lived a long time. Sun and Moon Aquarius and Leo sign formed Mahabhagya yoga.
In case of birth of a female:- If the birth of a female child is during the night, the Lagna, the moon, and the Sun are in even signs i.e 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 Rashi give rise to form Mahabhagya yoga.
In this horoscope, She is born this mahabhagya yoga, She is born during the night time and Lagna is a cancer sign and Sun is Gemini sign and Moon is in Pisces sign all even signs formed in Mahabhagya yoga. She is very beautiful and famous, wealthy. She is very popular in the world, good reputation, sweet spoken, all good qualities.
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SASA YOGA :- When the Saturn is posited own sign Capricorn or Aquarius or exaltation sign Libra and these sign happen to be kendra from the lagna, then formed Sasa yoga.
The native born in this yoga will be commend power good servant. He has slim waist and medium height but the his complexion is very dark. He will be become a leader of small place or a group of people, he is live like a king and devoted her/ his mother. He is earn wealth and learned covet other people. If he born in movable sign or fixed sign can be given rise to sasa yoga. He has brave and cruel and all qualities of leadership. He has famous and healthy, physically but suffers physically ailment long live.
If the Saturn is placed in 4th house in kendra from the Moon in exalted position. He has occurred so many houses and land properties.
For interpreting this yoga, a proper consideration should be best owned on the disposition of the moon, he is free from affliction also.
The native born in this yoga will be commend power good servant. He has slim waist and medium height but the his complexion is very dark. He will be become a leader of small place or a group of people, he is live like a king and devoted her/ his mother. He is earn wealth and learned covet other people. If he born in movable sign or fixed sign can be given rise to sasa yoga. He has brave and cruel and all qualities of leadership. He has famous and healthy, physically but suffers physically ailment long live.
If the Saturn is placed in 4th house in kendra from the Moon in exalted position. He has occurred so many houses and land properties.
For interpreting this yoga, a proper consideration should be best owned on the disposition of the moon, he is free from affliction also.
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Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Malavya yoga :- When the Venus is posited in his own sign Taurus, Libra and Pisces in exalted rashi and also located in kendra from lagna formed Malavya Yoga.
The native is born this yoga, will have good health, beautiful eyes likes females, the person will have handsome, powerful, beautiful wife and lovely children bless by God. He will be wealthy and found all the comforts, good energy, capacity to counsel intelligent, liberal mind and live long life. He will have good love affairs, versed in sacred scriptures and good quality of dancing and music also. He will have earned wealth his own efforts and happy family life.
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When the jupiter is in exalted in cancer Rashi or in its own sign Dhanu or Meena and posited in Kendra from lagna formed this Hamsa yoga.
The native born in this yoga, he will become like king or higher position in Government. The native iss dignitary respected by thousand numbers of good people, will have good fortune, gain comforts at his own level and command of the people. If the Jupiter is posited in 10th house and more powerful. The native's wife lovely and beautiful. If the Hamsa yoga formed in movable sign, he will be good, virtuous, doing good for other people. He will be thirst for knowledge.
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Tuesday, August 30, 2016
BUDHA ADITA YOGA :- Mercury is very beautiful planet. It is also called as prince, Sun and mercury if posited together in same rashi and when the mercury and Sun combination in formed BUDHA- ADITYA -YOGA.
The native is very learned, sweet spoken, intelligent and good reputation, clever, earn wealth & wsidom. It is observed`that the native is born in this yoga is higherly intelligent as command person, gain respect and export in doing thing. The native have good reputation and surrounded by all comforts and happy life. Generally any planet in a associated with the Sun has combust or loses its power to be do good.
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Sunday, August 21, 2016
Bhadra yoga:-
When Mercury is placed in a Kendra in an exalted position, which should be identical to his own sign.
The native is born the Bhadra yoga, he is strong and healthy with his/ her long arms, and a well-developed body. His face resembles that of a lion and gait has the majesty of an elephant. mercury is the planet of intellect and power. In this horoscope, mercury placed in the 10th house formed Bhadra yoga. the native has very intelligent and powerful. He was higher qualified and good professor and Ambassador of India. During the Dasha of Jupiter, he had gone to the big post of India.
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Tuesday, August 16, 2016
PANCHA MAHAPURUSHA YOGA :- When there are Five planets Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn that arise formed pancha mahapurusha yoga. All planets are powerful planetary position strong. The following are given as under:-
In this horoscope, the native was born in September 1888 . He had born in Sagittarius lagna and Moon rashi is Leo and its lord is Sun. The native had born in Nakshatra magha. Balance dasha of ketu 2years 1 month.
The native had a big face and thick chin, healthy and built body. He had bold egoistic, arrogant, clean mind, short tempered aggressive.
Sun is placed in ninth house, the native had good looking, beautiful hair, quality of good leadership. Sun has given name and fame both.
This yoga is caused by the strong position of mars, the native is great ruler, a leader and a commander.
Ruchaka yoga ;- In this horoscope, the mars is placed in his own sign . If Mars is placed in kendra from the lagna and its own sign formed this yoga.
The native is born this yoga will have to strong physique. famous and like a king.This yoga is caused by the strong position of mars, the native is great ruler, a leader and a commander.
2 Bhadra Yoga :- Bhadra yoga is caused by the disposition of Mercury in a kendra which should be identical with his own and exaltation sign.
3. Hamsa Yoga :- When Jupiter is Situated in own sign or exaltation Sign identical with the kendra.
4. Malavya Yoga :- When Venus is in Kendra and placed in own Sign or Exaltation sign.
5. Shasha Mahapurusha Yoga :- When the Saturn is in kendra and own sign or exaltation sign.
As per this horoscope, the native is born in shirshodaya lagna, he is brave and cruel , middle height, dil waist and highest teeth. He has beautiful legs and has a fast but regular gait.His complexion is dark. He is working on higher post.The native is competent wealthy and learned, and a keen to the point out the faults of other. Excessively fond of the sexual act the person associates with other people's spouses.
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Sunday, August 14, 2016
LIST OF YOGAS ( Gaja Kesari Yoga)
When the Jupiter and Moon are placed in the same sign or mutual kendra from each other formed Gaja keshri Yoga.
If the Jupiter is not debilitated, com bust and in inimical sign, and placed in kendra from lagna or the moon and to be conjunct or aspected by another benefic formed Gaja kesri Yoga, the native will be wealthy, intelligent, with virtues, will be loved by king and splendorous.
The native is born this yoga, the person is overpowering, intelligent and wealthy, illustrious and enjoyment all the comforts as well as fame.
If the Jupiter and Moon in Ist house:-
When the Jupiter and Moon are placed in the same sign or mutual kendra from each other formed Gaja keshri Yoga.
If the Jupiter is not debilitated, com bust and in inimical sign, and placed in kendra from lagna or the moon and to be conjunct or aspected by another benefic formed Gaja kesri Yoga, the native will be wealthy, intelligent, with virtues, will be loved by king and splendorous.
The native is born this yoga, the person is overpowering, intelligent and wealthy, illustrious and enjoyment all the comforts as well as fame.
If the Jupiter and Moon in Ist house:-
If Moon and Jupiter is in conjunction 1st house, the native is good looking and good relation with friends and wife.
If the Moon and Jupiter in conjunction in 4th house, the native is like a king, or minister and all type comforts gets from her mother.
If the Moon and Jupiter in conjunction in 7th house, the native is a lot of wealth, trading and their patnership.
If the Moon and Jupiter in conjunction in 9th &10th house :- The native is wealthy, good position in his career as well as financial properity and good house.
4TH House :- the native is bring all comforts from his/ her mother.
If the Jupiter in the 7th house from the moon
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Saturday, July 30, 2016
. Relation Between the Planets and Houses
. Relation between planets and Houses.:- It is very important yoga's from a mutual relationship between planets and house. It is depend upon the benefice and malefic & neutral. Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and waxing moon are benefice. Mars, Sun and Saturn are malefic planets. Actually its depend upon its lord placement.
Benefice :- if the lagnesh, fifth lord and nineth lord placed in the 4th, 7th and 10th bhava lord they are Nasgirk crual planet.
Malefic :- If the lord of 3,6 and 11 bhava are placed in lord of bhava 4, 7, 10 are called benefic
Neutral :- If the lord of 2, 8 and 12 bhava are placed in. They are neutral planets.
Benefice :- if the lagnesh, fifth lord and nineth lord placed in the 4th, 7th and 10th bhava lord they are Nasgirk crual planet.
Malefic :- If the lord of 3,6 and 11 bhava are placed in lord of bhava 4, 7, 10 are called benefic
Neutral :- If the lord of 2, 8 and 12 bhava are placed in. They are neutral planets.
Association Between Planets and House .
In the same house conjunction.
In the other house
In each other's Sub lord .
In the Kendra or trikona from each other.
The planets having in 2nd, 12th and 6th , 7th 8th from them.
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Relation between planets, signs and houses.
Relation between planets, signs and houses.-
Relation between planets, signs and house are most important in the yogas.
Relation between planets, signs and house are most important in the yogas.
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Monday, July 25, 2016
Relation involving planets only
Relation involving planets only :-
In astrology we will find that each lagna or
Ascendant has certain planets as yoga karakas. Combination of planets
and its lords also are to give rise to formed Raja yoga. Their result will be depend upon the nature of the planets whether they are formed the yoga.
Placement of the planets in a house adjacent to the Moon or the Sun.
Placement of the planets in a house adjacent to the Moon or the Sun.
For example:-
If the Jupiter is in a Kendra or quadrants from the Moon that this combination has formed the Gaja Kesari yoga.
The adhi yoga resulting from benefits located in the six, seven or eight from the moon.
The Moon- Mars in conjunction has formed Chander Mangalore yoga.
If the Jupiter placed in six or eight houses with the Moon formed shukata yoga.
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Sunday, July 24, 2016
What is Yoga ;- In astrology, Yoga means union that gives a specific relation between two or more planets. This union gives specific results in horoscope as well as in the life of the human being
Horoscope ie horoscope which has twelve expressions inside it. It contains a mixture of man's fate and misfortune. A comprehensive list of events of all human life has been included, including death, various physical and mental worries, happiness, financial hardships, success and failure. Yoga is formed on its basis. Events of yoga are definite signs.
The meaning of yoga is a combination, but simple meaning is that yoga means a definite or special combination, by which the horoscope gets strength, or it removes the creativity from it.Yoga is formed by the combination of two planets by the planetary positions. If sitting in good houses then good results will be given. If they are sitting in a weaker house, then the consequences will be bad. Rajyog and poor Yoga are created. By Yoga, the events in the life of a person can be revealed only through yoga. If a native's mind and body are powerful, then the person will advance towards the religious and high social levels in future. Just like a mixture of two drugs is made to treat a sick person. The person gets healthy. Putting the yoghurt into milk becomes curd by adding a little curd. Combined with the combination of good and bad planets are mixed yoga. The nature of any planets is of three types of planets like gentle, cruel and neutral.
The meaning of yoga is a combination, but simple meaning is that yoga means a definite or special combination, by which the horoscope gets strength, or it removes the creativity from it.Yoga is formed by the combination of two planets by the planetary positions. If sitting in good houses then good results will be given. If they are sitting in a weaker house, then the consequences will be bad. Rajyog and poor Yoga are created. By Yoga, the events in the life of a person can be revealed only through yoga. If a native's mind and body are powerful, then the person will advance towards the religious and high social levels in future. Just like a mixture of two drugs is made to treat a sick person. The person gets healthy. Putting the yoghurt into milk becomes curd by adding a little curd. Combined with the combination of good and bad planets are mixed yoga. The nature of any planets is of three types of planets like gentle, cruel and neutral.
GajaKesari Yoga is formed due to the presence of Moon and Jupiter in the center of this horoscope. With the combination of the Moon and Jupiter, these yogas are formed when they are the masters of the sixth and the ninth values, respectively. In other words, due to the ownership of the government, due to bad effect GajaKesari yoga has reduced to some extent.
.The word yoga is rather different to lay down. The relationship can be of one the following types as under:-
1. Relation involving planets only.
2. Relation involving planets and Signs.
3. Relation between planets and Houses.
4. Relation between planets, signs and houses.
1. Relation involving planets only.
2. Relation involving planets and Signs.
3. Relation between planets and Houses.
4. Relation between planets, signs and houses.
Relation involving planets only :- In astrology we will find that each lagna or Ascendant has certain planets as yoga karakas. Combination of planets and its lords also are to give rise to formed Raja yoga.
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