Tuesday, March 10, 2020


Kuhu Yoga:-   The Lord of the 4th house is situated in the 6th,8th, or 12th house, it is formed by kuhu yoga. The person will be bereft of her mother, conveyances, friends, happiness, ornaments, and relations


The person will be bereft of mother, conveyances, friends, happiness, ornaments, and relations. The person will be unemployed and without a place of living having lost the owned by him/her associating with low people of the opposite sex.


Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Putra Moola Ddhana Yoga

If the lord of the second house and the lord of the fifth house are in conjunction or Jupiter and if the lord of the ascendant is in conjunction, then formed the Putra moola Dhana yoga 



The native get wealth through his sons

He earns so much money and sustains in the same way. After that, when his boys grow up, with their help he becomes a rich man. Each kind of comfort attains financial facilities. The Ascendant must be in  Vaisshikamsa yoga and  the second house lord is very strong in his horoscope and should be associated with  the lord of the fifth house